Prayer For Healing

A Follow-Up

Thank you for coming for prayer today.

If you sense you have been healed by prayer today let us praise God for the healing you have received. It might be helpful for you to share with someone else what has happened to you and we are always pleased to hear more of what God has done for you if you want to share this more widely with the church. [You can email us with news of your healing;]

If you are taking prescribed medication, it is important that you continue to take this until you have been seen by your doctor as they will need to confirm your condition and discuss whether there are reasons for you to continue to take some medication. Expect the healing to continue and don’t be afraid to ask for further prayer for healing if your condition changes or returns.

We believe that God has a plan for your life and that he loves you as his precious child. He always hears our prayers and blesses us as we trust and believe in him.

Jesus encourages us to always pray and not give up so we should not feel embarrassed to continue to seek prayer for a problem and the Prayer Ministry Team or a member of Clergy or the Pastoral Team would be happy to pray with you again if you wish.

Be assured that unless you have given permission otherwise all that you have shared with us today will remain confidential.

A Prayer:

May the God who is with us The God who is for us The God who loves us Bring His healing and his hope to our hearts and to our homes. Amen