Older Adults
We want to be a church family where all parts of the body can worship, pray and study God’s word together. Our small groups and services are all multi-generational, but we have lots of specific things going on for our ‘older’ adults as well - it will very much depend on your own assessment whether you fit into this category or not!! You’re most welcome, even if you’re still young at heart!
Monday Fellowship
Monday Fellowship is for anyone over the age of 55 and meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at church from 2pm - 3:30pm. There will be refreshments, speakers and, of course, great company! We ask for a contribution of £1 per meeting.
Monday Lunches
On the first Monday of each month we gather together for lunch at 12pm in church. Again, these happen in church, and we ask for a contribution of £3.50 towards the cost.
Senior Citizens Holiday Club
Senior Citizens Holiday Club happens on various dates in August from 10:30am until the end of lunch. Both days start with coffee and end with a cooked meal. We have lots of fun things to do and learn about.
Contact us.
You can find out more about all of the above, or other ways in which we support and work with older adults by contact our pastoral team, either using the email address pastoral@sjs.church or by using this handy form.