We can’t wait to meet you!
Portsmouth is the best city to live and study, and we can’t wait to get to know you. You might think that the Lord has just called you here to study, but we believe he’s also called you to be a part of the growth of His Kingdom. Our heart and passion is for individual discipleship, helping you to know God, and see Him at work in your lives. You can watch our introduction video below, and learn more about what we offer for students below. We’d love to see you.
What do we offer?
The 7
This service is relaxed and informal, with extended worship and time in God’s word. All are welcome to this service, but its relaxed atmosphere makes it an ideal home for our students and Young Adults.
Life Groups
Some students choose to join a small group with other members from across the church, but each Thursday we do gather as a student small group for food, fun, to study God’s word, and share what He’s been doing in our lives. If you would like to find out more get in touch! On the third thursday of the month, we have a social time together (called Third Thursday).
Expect to be discipled here at St Jude’s! We’d love to partner you with someone to walk with you, one on one and help you grow and develop your own walk with Jesus.
If you would like to get linked up with a mentor or if you have any questions please get in contact with us.
Kingdom values
We are passionate about Kingdom building, not empire building and so want you to find the church where you can grow and develop in your relationship with Jesus whilst at university. If that’s with us, brilliant, if that’s in one of the many other great churches in Portsmouth, amazing. Please know that we’ll be praying for every student we meet and who is coming to Portsmouth to know God’s presence in their lives.
Keeping in touch
We have a students WhatsApp group where we arrange regular socials and fun things, we’ll add you to this as you become part of our community! You don’t want to miss out on Adam’s bad jokes, and Davita’s regular misunderstandings of English culture!
Contact us
If you’d like to know more about us, or go for a coffee we’d love to meet you. Do get in touch with ususing the details below, or use this handy form!
Adam Tams - Vicar
vicar@sjs.church 07871 816699