What is Offering Hope?
Offering Hope is part of the vision of St Jude's, as we aim to be a place where everyone can respond to the good news of Jesus and experience restoration and freedom in Him.
How can I have hope?
Ultimately through a relationship with Jesus and encounter with him. You can find out more about the christian faith on the below page of our website.
What do you offer?
Hope Cafe
This is a space to come, with no need for an appointment, and receive prayer for healing and wholeness. Alternatively, there are quiet spaces for you to reflect or pray on your own, or you can just enjoy some yummy free refreshments. Hope cafe is open at St Jude’s, every 3rd Saturday of the month between 12 and 2pm.
Prayer Appointments for Healing, Hope and Peace
We long for you to know the transformation, restoration and freedom which Jesus offers. Members of our team would love to pray with you at a time that works for you. You can book an appointment below or through the Church Office (02392 777 000).
What should I expect?
Ultimately, and most importantly, we hope that you will come expectant to meet with God through prayer. We can pray in a variety of ways, and will always be led by you. You’ll usually be prayed for by two people, who will keep their eyes open as they pray to check you’re ok. Throughout the prayer time, the prayer team will be attentive to how you are doing and check in with you. If you feel uncomfortable at any time you can ask us to stop.
The Hope Cafe is not a counselling or therapy place, though we value these things. Prayer teams will not give advice or specific life direction during sessions, for example on questions such as, whom to marry, which job to take or an answer to a pressing decision.
Below is a ‘menu’ card which we offer at the Hope Cafe - this gives a range of options which might help you work out what you are looking for.
What about Safeguarding?
Whilst larger than St Jude’s, we recognise as the hosts we will play an important role in overseeing the ministry and ensuring its safety. After you’ve been prayed for, you will be given a follow up card - as below.
As a Church of England church, we ask all team members to follow the safeguarding policies and procedures adopted by the church. Every prayer ministry team member is safely recruited and undertakes training in prayer ministry and safeguarding.
Each time someone is prayed for there will be a designated safeguarding lead, who will be responsible for reporting any disclosure to the vicar, parish/diocesan safeguarding officer or relevant authorities. You can find more details about safeguarding on our church website.
What to do if you want to know more or want to book an appointment?
You are welcome to get in contact with Adam Tams (Vicar of St Jude’s Southsea): you can e-mail him at vicar@sjs.church or use this form to be in touch.