Christmas 2023

The world might seem full of darkness and difficulties at the moment - yet we believe that against the darkness, Jesus calls us to bring His love, His light and His hope. Why? Because that’s what He came to do.

In one of the best-loved readings heard in churches around the world at this time of year, the beginning of John’s Gospel says, ‘In Jesus was life, and that life was the light of all humankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:4-5). Jesus came into our world to bring the light of God, a light which continues to shine today, a light which cannot be extinguished, a light which shines even on the darkest of days.

We’d love to encourage you to join us at one of our events this Christmas (details below) and discover afresh the life which comes from knowing that Jesus is the light of the world.